Saturday, March 21, 2020

How to Have Fun Learning English?

How to Have Fun Learning English?You can find out information on how to have fun learning English by looking at the advice of those who have been through the whole process before. There are many online websites that teach English, and a few who specialize in teaching how to have fun with English.There are those who have made a career out of English tutoring. The usual way of finding a good English tutor is to take some time out to read reviews, and then choose from the ones that interest you. These are also the sites where you will find the feedback from the people who have already learnt English, and have been through the same process as you.There are some advantages to hiring an English tutor, and those include the fact that they are usually more experienced than you are. It could also help you to get some feedback from people who have studied the language and understand your situation, as they might have a better idea of what the best way to approach the lessons is. It is not surp rising that if you have a better idea of the lessons that you are going to have, the tutor would be more motivated and be able to give you more and better quality lessons.Even if you are one of those who do not believe in having fun learning English, there are some benefits that come with it. For one thing, it can help you gain more confidence in your own skills and learn to become better at a language. There are also ways that you can make it a little more interesting, such as discussing the details of your job, or even just writing about something that you did.You can also find out from people who have made a living out of English, how they managed to enjoy their studies and their jobs. As they will be able to relate back to what you are going through right now, you will be able to see if the learning process can be something that you want to pursue in the future. You may find it interesting that they taught themselves all the things that they knew, and then went on to teach other s.This is especially true when it comes to teaching you how to have fun learning English. They were able to go from knowing nothing to knowing everything in one go, and never felt like they were behind the other students in their studies.So if you are interested in the whole concept of how to have fun learning English, you should see what an English tutor is capable of doing for you. You can also join a few of these online forums, so that you can find out how to have fun learning English, as well as what you are going to learn. If you take the time to read everything that is written there, you will be surprised at the information that you will find.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Calling All Bad Boss Stories! - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Calling All Bad Boss Stories! - Introvert Whisperer Calling All Bad Boss Stories! So, give it shot. What’s your story? Image: Flickr Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!  Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Sooner or later we all “get” a bad boss. Some are worse than others, but no matter how bad they are, they can make our work-life miserable. I’m collecting bad boss stories and I’d like to hear yours. There are two ways you can tell me your story: Submit your story in the comment box below. I ask that you edit out profanity as this becomes public â€" if you want to *bleep* I think we’ll get the drift. Also no names of the bad boss please â€" I don’t want someone coming after me (after all they’re BAD!). I’ve got a link to a submission page that will keep you and your Bad Boss story private. You can access it here. And then what? I’m going to publish them; I think they’ll be entertaining. Of course, I will protect the innocent storytellers in the process. I hear a lot of Bad Boss stories and trust me, some of them are so outrageous that they need to be heard. So, give it shot. What’s your story? Image: Flickr Go to top Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today! Start watching now: CLICK HERE Brought to you by So, give it shot. What’s your story? Image: Flickr Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!  Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why Online Tutoring is an Effective System to Gain Deep Knowledge About English

Why Online Tutoring is an Effective System to Gain Deep Knowledge About English 0SHARESShare Education is probably one of the most stable industry of the world, is continually facing dramatic changes since last century.   It is responding today’s economic and social realities by transforming structure, pedagogies and practices. Online learning is the new way of tutoring, perhaps identified as best club for kids in the universe. It gives lot of opportunities to explore lot of things, rekindle thirst for learning. The favorite thing that students like about online tutoring is about how they present you new things all the time. The quality of tutoring and feedback on learning is very high. Online tutoring is beautiful amalgamation of individual courses customized according to the student’s needs. Variety of programs are focused and structured to strengthen individual skill of student. E.g. Math program focuses on learning each and every Math concept thoroughly, provide assistance in routine academic work, work towards developing problem solving skills, test preparation and lot more.   All the courses are aligned to State of National Curriculum. Tutoring websites offers inspiring tutors who better know how to get best out of their students. It offers vibrant environment where children enjoy learning new things. It offers flexible membership plan where student can pay for the services that they require. They offer best resources and material to help students fulfill their potential in Science and English tutoring. Ask for tutor chat and explore the opportunity with in-depth discussion about how online tutoring can fulfill your child’s requirements. [starbox id=admin]

What is it Like to Attend Washington University in St. Louis

What is it Like to Attend Washington University in St. Louis The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Andrew is a senior at Washington University in St. Louis majoring in Environmental Biology and minoring in Writing. He specializes inmany subjects including Biology tutoring, ACT prep tutoring, and Essay Writing/Editing tutoring. See what he had to say about his school: VT: How easy or difficult is it to get around on your campus? Is it hilly, do lots of people bike, are there buses, etc. Andrew: It is very easy to move around campus.Our campus is somewhat spread out, so at times there will be a longer walk.Because of this, each class gives a ten-minute grace period before starting the lecture (moving between opposite ends of the campus is often a full ten minute walk).The pathways are very bike friendly; we recently put in extra wide walkways around campus with a bike side and a walking side.There is also a free campus circulator that comes in handy for trips between the dorms and main campus. VT: How helpful are the academic advisors? Andrew: WashU prides itself on our academic advising.When you first get to school, you get a four year advisor, often a teacher or dean.I had a great experience with my four-year advisor. He was a great resource for schedule guidance and general questions, though I have heard that sometimes teachers can get quite busy, especially when teaching a big class.If your four-year advisor is unavailable, there is no shortage of help.As a pre-med, I had four advisors: a four-year advisor, a major advisor, a minor advisor, and a pre-med advisor.Each one helped in his or her own way and other staff in their offices was more than happy to help if my specific advisor was unavailable. VT: How would you describe the dorm life? Andrew: The dorms are arguably the best part of WashU.Every freshman and most sophomores live on the south side of campus called the South Forty.Most of the dorms have been built within the past 5-7 years and some even come with Tempurpedic mattresses.It is not uncommon to think you are somewhere in Disney World or on a set of Harry Potter when in the South Forty.Dorm life is truly easy living, with up to date rooms, washers and driers, a fairly new cardio center, and a huge dining center. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Andrew:WashU has five different schools: Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Art, Architecture, and Business.The largest school is Arts and Sciences, with an enormous amount of students starting out on the pre-med track (less than half stay on this track by their senior year). A great part of WashU is the ability to double major or minor in different schools or transfer between schools.For example, you could be an Arts and Sciences English major, have a second major in accounting in the business school, and minor in environmental engineering. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Andrew: Making friends freshman year was super easy.When you arrive, very few people know each other.The first group you interact with is your freshman floor. This group of about 30 students will be your first group of friends and some will remain your good friends throughout college.WashU facilitates this by having activities and other events.Usually after a semester or so, students will begin to join Greek life or other clubs and meet even more people.The student body at WashU is overwhelmingly friendly, and everyone is always looking to meet new people, so dont be shy! VT: How helpful is the Career Center? Andrew: The Career Center is extremely helpful and extremely underutilized.They have plenty of services including resume building, cover letter writing, job searches, bringing recruiters to campus, and more.For me, I used the career center for mock interviews and received a stipend from them for unpaid summer work that I was doing. VT: How are the various study areas? Libraries? The Student Union? Dorm lounges? Andrew: Most kids on campus study in the main library on campus: Olin Library.Because of this, it can get very crowded at times, especially during midterms and finals.There are also libraries in the different schools and buildings.By the time you are a senior, you will find yourself studying in various classrooms, libraries, and dorms.In regard to the library resources and student union, WashU again supports its students as fully as possible.There are over 200 student groups and the library can get you access to virtually any paper or book that you may need. VT: What is the surrounding town like? What are the best local attractions that make it unique? Andrew: WashU is located in a really active, young part of St. Louis.Immediately north of campus is the Delmar Loop.The Loop has unique stores and clothing shops, local and chain restaurants, as well as a few local bars that some of the upperclassmen go to.There are also concerts at the Pageant, which is a really small venue so you can get a close seat to the performers. WashU is also close to Clayton, which is a nicer area with some great restaurants. VT: How big or small is the student body and how does that affect your experience? Andrew: The undergraduate student body is about 6000 students and I find this to be a perfect size.The main benefit is class size.Since most classes are 12-35 people, you get personalized attention from the professor and have a more intimate learning setting.The medium size of our school makes sure that no student gets lost in the crowd.We all play a significant role in the WashU community.Faces can get similar and at times it feels like you may always be with the same group of people, but even in my 4thyear, I still am meeting new friends. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one you dreaded the most. Andrew: General chemistry is the most popular class at WashU because it is a pre-requisite for almost any other science class. It also has a reputation for being a weed-out class for pre-med students.On the first day of class, which was also my first class at WashU, the teacher handed us paper and told us we were having a pop quiz: draw a carbon atom.We all did our best, though that wasnt very good.He collected them and chose at random drawings to project on the board for the class to laugh at.Though it was the most terrifying day of my life, we all felt comforted that every student was close to the same level of knowledge as we were (which was nothing), not to mention that our teacher had a sense of humor.The most amazing part is that although this teacher goes through almost 350 students a year, and I never spoke in his class, he still recognizes and says hello to me.That is the true epitome of the impact each student has at WashU. Check out Andrews tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

How to Find Your Ideal Drum Teacher

How to Find Your Ideal Drum Teacher Finding the Right Teacher to Learn Drums ChaptersImportant Things to Consider When Choosing a Drum TeacherMusic Schools vs. Private Drum Teachers for Beginner Drum LessonsWhere Can You Find a Drum Teacher Near You?Ever find yourself tapping your foot in synch with the rhythm of a song? Are the drum solos in rock bands and traditional music your favourite part? Are you burning to know what a paradiddle is, how to play a flam and whether triplets have anything to do with pregnancy?Who’re you gonna call about ghost notes? Should you give polyrhythm a cracker?It sounds like you’re in the grip of drum fever - and in need of answers. The best way to get them is to take drums lessons with a qualified teacher. But how can you find someone to teach you drum rudiments?hand drummingA first drum rudiment to get you hookedYou should also take advantage of the first class to ask the teacher about how they structure their lessons. Are they more theory-oriented? Do they demonstrate drum beats in a way that you can follow at your skill level? Will you be learning drum notation or drum tabs? Will you be getting drum songs to practice with, or just exercises? Will you have to buy your own drums, drumsticks and metronome or do they have drum equipment you can borrow until you are certain your future lies with percussion instruments?All these questions will help you decide if this drum teacher is the one for you.Music Schools vs. Private Drum Teachers for Beginner Drum LessonsOf course, it’s not just the person of the teacher, it’s the support he or she can offer as well. To learn how to play the drums, you have two basic options:A drum school or music schoolA private drum tutorAdvantages and disadvantages of a music schoolMusic schools generally offer two types of lessons:Group lessons, usually at the beginner levelPrivate lessons at the school with one of the school teachersHere are some of the advantages of taking drum instruction at a school:A music school will often have several drum teachers on staff. So if for some reason your drum lessons are cancelled for several weeks - holidays, illness or family emergency - you might be able to continue your course with another teacher.A music school often has their own drum kits. So if you are still unsure if you want to commit to drumming lessons, you can work on the school set until you get your own. Or if your hi-hat stand or ride cymbal is damaged, you can borrow one from the school for practice until you replace your own.Another plus for beginners and intermediate-level students is the availability of practice rooms. Playing drums is a loud passion that the neighbours don’t always appreciate. Having practice rooms you can use will help your motivation and decrease your guilt.Schools often give recitals, so you can practise performing in front of an audience.The cons are the fact that the teachers there will have to schedule around a lot of students as well as the guitar teacher and violin lessons all needing the instruction and practice r ooms. Depending on their structure, music schools might have specific hours set aside for you that you can’t really deviate from. They lack flexibility and teachers might be forced to adhere to a certain teaching plan.Group drum lessons bring you and other drum afficionados together. Photo credit: thelearningcurvedotca on VisualHuntIf you are taking group drum classes there will be the added inconvenience that the teacher will not be able to focus entirely on you, though being with other musicians passionate about percussion has its own advantages.Of course, if you want a degree in drumming you will have to attend a college of music and complete the course to get your bachelor of music.Private tutoringThe advantage of a private tutor is one-on-one instruction. Your tutor can tailor it to your needs and skill. He or she will be there to motivate you every step of the way and will be able to adapt to your schedule and availability. This means that if your work week is different ever y time, you won’t be tied down to a single time slot. And if you have to cancel, you can make up the lesson another time.There are two ways drum lessons with private tutors can be set up: you go to their house or they come to yours.If you are just starting out, chances are you will be going to their house and using their drum kit; though if you are learning a portable percussion instrument such as the bodhran or bongos, they might bring them with them along for your first music lessons. Once you have graduated to an intermediate or advanced level, they will probably come to your house so you can use your own drums.Find out what type of equipment you need for playing the drums...One-to-one drum lessons will let you progress faster. Photo credit: vanja b. on Visualhunt.comWhere Can You Find a Drum Teacher Near You?Googling local music schools is easy, but how can you find a private drum instructor for drum lessons near me?One solution, of course, is Superprof. Here on the site, we h ave a wide selection of percussion instructors in various types of drums. Some even offer online lessons via webcam if you should happen to live in a drum-free zone. Many offer the first lesson for free.On Superprof, you can read the instructor's full profile, including his studies and experience, before contacting him or her. You’ll know if they are straight out of school or have worked as a percussionist in an orchestra or band. Testimonials will tell you what other students think of that teacher and help you make your choice.The level of experience will, of course, affect the price of the drum lesson.Other portals for finding drum teachers are:DrumteachersDrummingteacherAnother possibility is to go over to a local music college and look at their corkboard or put up a flyer yourself advertising for a teacher.While music students don’t have a lot of experience, they have the advantage of still studying themselves, so they have a better understanding of the learning process and the frustration inherent in it. They might be better motivated to teach you drum fills and the rudiments of tuning your instruments than someone who has been doing it for over twenty years.Now learn all you need to know before taking drum lessons...

What is a Rational Expression

What is a Rational Expression A rational expression is an expression which is written in the form of p/q where p and q are any polynomial expressions except q 0. Hence a rational expression has a numerator and a denominator and the expression in the denominator should not be equal to 0 because then the expression becomes undefined. Rational expressions are very commonly used in math and they can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided and these expressions can be simplified or factored according to the given question as well. Example 1: Simplify the given rational expression, (4x2)/ (2x) * (3x/5). Given rational expression: (4x2/2x) * (3x/5) Now in order to multiply the given two rational expressions, we multiply the expressions in the numerators together and the expressions in the denominators together. This gives: (4x2 * 3x)/ (2x * 5) = 12x3/ 10x. Now we can simplify the above expression by dividing the numerator and the denominator with their common factor. The common factor of 12 and 10 is 2 and for x3 and x is x. Hence we get: 6x2/5. Example 2: Simplify the given rational expression, (x2 16)/ (x 4). Given rational expression: (x2 16)/ (x 4) In order to simplify the above expression, we can factor the numerator. According to the algebraic formula: a2 b2 = (a+ b) (a b) Now, we can write x2 16 as x2 42. Applying the above formula we get, x2 42 = (x + 4) (x 4) Now (x2 16)/ (x 4) = (x+ 4) (x- 4)/ (x- 4). Cancelling (x- 4) up and down, we get - (x+ 4) Therefore, (x2 16)/ (x 4) = (x+ 4)

What is the Right Option for Increasing Your Childs Academic Ability Try a Highly Skilled Online Tutor

What is the Right Option for Increasing Your Child’s Academic Ability Try a Highly Skilled Online Tutor 0SHARESShare Academic ability is a skill that comes more by practice than by sheer expansion of knowledge. It is every mom, dad’s dream to see their child in the height of academic ability and fetch maximum scores possible to soar high in the sky of education. The child may be mentally gifted, yet, he/she needs a highly potential back up to throw himself open to the competitive scenario of the educational world and to beat every other one in the arena. Who can be that potential back up and how could he help? A highly skilled online tutor: It can be a proper quality tutor online, who could gauge the efficiencies and deficiencies of your child and fathom a deep remedial course for him to make him fill the skill gaps he has in subjects.  He can sit with your child and find out what academic skill the child requires to come up with his studies. Some may have memory loss, some may miss the concept by just a slip of understanding, and some may not like the approach towards a particular subject as handled by the school teacher, leading to a negative impact upon the subject. This especially happens in cases of Science and Math that the child loses the attitude for the subject. A math tutor online really undertakes a building block approach in enhancing the academic ability of your child in Math. He makes the child love the subject first, and then slowly turn his attention     towards the learning skills. He shares the whiteboard and pen to do the homework with kid and corrects the child wherever necessary The diagnostic tests and pre interviews conducted by the online tutor enable him to recognize the basic cavities in the learning aspects of the child and he tries to uproot them. The result is the fresh attitude and a positive impact upon the child’s mind and the following paraphernalia of increased academic ability of the child.  Enthusiasm to learn is the real secret of academic ability and that is brought to the limelight by the e-tutor, whose initial patience pays rewards afterwards. The support of online tutoring websites Many of the live tutoring websites procure tutors who are proficient in catering revisions, reviews and tests to assure the strength of a child’s subject knowledge that he is able to do all those tests and the other essential parts of academics with ease and efficiency. Academic ability is sure to improve in your child, if you concentrate on the right tutor. [starbox id=admin]

How to Volunteer with the Tutorfair Foundation

How to Volunteer with the Tutorfair Foundation Volunteering is the answer for so many people with an interest or experience in education. We’re all aware that there are young people out there who could use our help, and that spending some time working in schools can have a large impact and can be extremely rewarding. But where to start? What kind of opportunities are out there and how can you get involved? Whether you’re an experienced tutor looking to share your skills or a student considering a career in teaching, The Tutorfair Foundation might have something that’s just right for you. Who are we? The Tutorfair Foundation is the charitable wing of Tutorfair â€" an online marketplace for private tutoring. Funded by donations from paying clients of Tutorfair, we work with volunteers to provide support to students from a broad range of backgrounds that might not otherwise have access to the help. We hope that by improving access to quality tutoring, we can make a positive contribution to the fight against educational inequality â€" one student at a time. What are we up to? This year, we’ll be running in-school tutoring in London, home visits in Birmingham and online opportunities everywhere else. “In-school” programmes involve our volunteers tutoring students in schools where the student population is more than 50% pupil premium eligible. This might involve working in a classroom (supporting a qualified teacher) or engaging students one-to-one or in small groups outside of lessons. Where we think there will be good engagement, we’ll work with schools to set up an after school club for those students who are staying behind to get on top of their homework. “Online” volunteering takes place using our Tutorfair On-Demand service. This is a text-and-image based platform available for free to eligible schools, whose students can log in during homework hours to post questions and topics they’re struggling with. If you’re volunteering at that time, you’ll see the questions being posted and be able to connect instantly with the student to help them through their problem. We have in-school programmes underway already this year in London, with opportunities available for volunteers to tutor everything from GCSE Maths to BTEC Health Social Care. We’re also looking for volunteers to get involved in Birmingham, where we’re offering help to a number of students who have been suffering from bullying. Tutorfair On-Demand will launch at the end of October, so if you’re looking to start volunteering, there’s plenty of ways to get involved! What can you expect when you volunteer? Every volunteer’s experience will be different, but there are a few things you can expect when you decide to get involved. Minimum commitment of 10 hours: usually 1 hour a week for 10 weeks.  Tutors are welcome to complete their 10 hours and decide whether to continue later on! Training and free DBS check: this is dependent on the tutor's level of experience Support from our programme managers: depending on how long tutors are with us, we’ll also do observations; providing feedback and development opportunities throughout your placement. Want to get involved? Here's how to sign up! If you’re already a tutor with Tutorfair, all of our volunteering opportunities will appear on your profile in the “opportunities” section. If you’re not already a tutor with Tutorfair, you can register your interest here  and someone from the team will get in touch to discuss the opportunities with you. We currently have opportunities in London and Birmingham. For in-school opportunities, if you have lots of experience, we’ll be able to get you a DBS check and start you straight away. If you have less experience, we’ll invite you to one of our training sessions. Some of our placements are only available to volunteers with some tutoring experience, but we have lots of opportunities available for people with no experience looking for a way into education. If you’re applying to tutor online, we’ll train you online. This will allow you to volunteer much more flexibly â€" agreeing availability in advance for any time between 6 and 9pm on weekdays and 5 and 8pm on weekends. You can support students who need help from wherever you are â€" home, work or university. For any enquiries please email: